i have discovered that no amount of yoga changes just how big a woman actually gets at 7 months pregnant, thus creating very difficult painting circumstances.
there is a sharp pain that now shoots through my lower back every time i take a step with my right food. it creates the illusion of a waddle and has made for some very sore feet (due to the amount of pressure i am now putting on them.)
our house is officially on the market.
a "FOR SALE" sign sits neatly in my front yard and we have already had one showing in the 24 hours it has been listed.
we continue to be hopeful that this is a sign of things to come.
so in the end (much like pregnancy, i suppose) it will all be worth the effort.
here's the link...if you know of anyone who may be interested...
my little cottage.
current gestation: 32 weeks, 4 days...only 7 1/2 weeks left.
weight gain to date: i did not gain any weight in the last month which balanced out my weight gain from the month before. i have gained 30 pounds total since before i was pregnant (i include this tid-bit of info for other pregnant women who may be feeling frustrated with their own weight gain or feeling the need to compare themselves to someone else. this comes from a self-confessed googler.)
complaints: bending over is getting more difficult, making it hard to paint my toenails. and this back pain (which, i don't think is entirely all wee one's fault) that, when kicked by baby girl sends white hot pain into my right ass cheek. they tell me none of this is permanent...
non-complaints: my child is already the best baby i know. she lets me sleep nearly through night still, waking me up only once to empty my bladder. i am told at this stage, most women find their babies kicking them throughout the night, keeping them up. my child rocks.
activities: the treadmill has become slightly neglected due to the amount of time we're putting into getting the house ready for showings. our evening workout routines now consist of laundry, vacuuming, dusting, wiping counters, loading the dishwasher, stashing the mail...etc. i have also been transporting the puppies from our house to "nanny and pa-pa's" house in the event they need to show our house. that has proven interesting...oz does not like the car.
cravings: girl scout cookies!! (the peanut butter patties are almost gone...)
baby-related news: the shower plans seem to be pouring in all of a sudden and i'm finding it difficult to be patient with everyone and accommodate everyone's calendars. i am someone that requires a minimum three week notice for just about anything requiring more than an hour of my time. one week notice (especially when it involves travel time) completely throws me off. however, i do appreciate everyone's generous offers and must now go buy thank you cards in bulk.
additionally, we are getting "family" pictures taken next week. i'll post them as soon as i get the proofs. i decided that if this is to be our only child, we might as well document it to the fullest...that being said, i should probably update my pregnancy journal...
non-baby related news: see above mentioned house news.
"He who every morning plans the transaction of the day and follows out that plan, carries a thread that will guide him through the maze of the most busy life. But where no plan is laid, where the disposal of time is surrendered merely to the chance of incidence, chaos will soon reign." - Victor Hugo.
go well.
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