"hair style is the final tip-off whether or not a woman really knows herself."
- hubert de givenchy
hmmm...i wonder what ol' hubert would say about me...
because according to him
and my ever changing locks
i don't have a clue as to who i am...
maybe he's not far off.
i am genetically prone to changing my hair on a whim.
have you met my mother?
have you met my sister?
platinum blonde.
ruby red.
no bangs.
(at one point, her hair was three different colors - platinum blonde, black and orange.
she would argue red
it was orange).
so you see
it's a matter of simple genetics.
for sometime now, i have been working with a 'longer' hair style.
long for me, anyway.
there was the 'sprout' look in high school
the all over 'spike' in college.
since then, i've let it grow out
and cut it off several times.
it's been brown.
it's been red.
it's been highlighted with blonde.
i even had artificial curls shortly after moving home.
and so it was
that when we decided to venture to hawaii
i was determined to have a 'girl's' haircut
something that i could easily let blow in the wind
as we traveled up the coastline
in search of beaches.
i then decided it best to keep
my chin length hair
so that when i wore my baseball cap running
i did not look like a teenage boy
going through an awkward pubescent phase.
finally, after shearing off the back
i decided i needed to keep it long(er)
so that i could toss my mane
to the melodies strummed
by the south african man
whom i adore.
now that summer is behind me
with all of it's adventures and music
i have decided it is far past time
for a change.
stand by...
the next week could bring a new look...
go well.
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