
My photo
mommy. wife. teacher. yogini. writer. coffee drinker. aunt. crocheter. reader. dog lover. scattered. methodical. rational. irrational. paranoid. annoyed. lost. found. content. searching. peaceful. i am constantly in search of my story. the one i have never happened. the one i've lived i cannot write.

07 January 2010

oh oahu OR skein five.

as i watch the snow
tumble from the clouds
and add an extra
blanket to the ground
i am recalling warmer days
and long trips
up shorelines.

our tax refund would nearly cover it.
damn responsibility.
the chronic 'blah' that comes
with this time of year
has me itching to go.
if i thought we could
i'd hop on a plane next week.

if there's one thing our time on oahu taught me last year
it is this:
we must take advantage
of the this big wide world.
we must travel
we must ride
we must get lost
we must go without knowing the end.

as fantastical as the beaches were
as blue as the ocean was
as delicate as the breeze came in off the water
i think the thing i'm craving most
is the feeling you get
when you throw caution to the wind
and go without a map.

go without a map today.
go well.


Anonymous said...

just catching up on what you have written. got a kick out of the one from December where you discuss mindless chatter. You may be more like me than you want to admit...

Anonymous said...

Keep posting stuff like this i really like it

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